The project UNIQUE PAINTINGS and ITS THIRD EDITION STARTS TODAY, the 6th of December 2023!

👨‍🎨 There are 15 paintings you can bid on online 

🎨👩‍🦽 This project brings together the art of acclaimed Slovak academic painters with the creative work of neurological patients of ADELI Medical Center. Each painting combines two artistic perspectives that complement each other uniquely.

Which artists are a part of this project?

Katarína Vavrová, Jana Farmanová,  Marek Ormandik, Karol Felix, Pavel Herman and Fero Liptak

❤️ Top personalities of the Slovak art scene — academic painters and long-time professionals with numerous awards

👉👉 Choose YOUR painting and participate in the auction today. The auction closes on 6th of Jan 2024.


  • raises funds for the treatment of patients with neurological disorders and helps to organize their own activities

  • since the Adeli Foundation was founded in 2014, we have helped 1157 patients who have been given a chance for a better and more quality life


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